Thursday, 3 March 2011

wish list

1. a trip to remote islands in Sabah
2. grab and answer YES to every airasia deals that have been spamming my email and phone.
3. to know where the heck I'll be next year. This house? That place? Which state?
4. to be able to start building mom's house before she gets too old to even see the wall finishing.
5. to
6. to finally embark on my Masters degree coz I damn deserve it.
7. to first figure out the field I am interested to pursue in the first place!
8. to be able to get praises and reassurance without having to demand for them.
9. give Maxis the up-yours sign for their messed up signal strength in spots that are vital to me.
10. live in a cleaner, more hygienic place that is not just waiting to be burn down to get sanitized.


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